Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Beamish Museum – Tuesday 12th September 2023- Year 5 &6
Year 5 & 6 children are going on an educational visit to Beamish Museum situated in County Durham, on Tuesday 12th September 2023, for our topic of ‘Victorians’. Children will be able to experience Victorian life as it was then and to attend a workshop on what school life was like for a Victorian child.
We will be leaving promptly at 8:50am, and returning to school at approximately 4.00pm.
All children will require a packed lunch and a drink (no glass or cans). If your child is entitled to a free school meal, their packed lunch will be provided by school. Please remember that packed lunches are nut-free, in line with our school policy.
Children need to dress appropriately for the weather and activities and bring a waterproof coat in case of rain. Children must wear their school jumper. The British weather is always unpredictable, so better to be prepared.
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £15 per child. No child will miss the visit on the grounds of finance, so please contact Mrs Edmenson if you have any difficulties. All money should be paid in full (via Schoolcomms). Our new payment system is currently being setup. We are delaying requesting the money for this trip until this is up and running. Please note details will be sent out in the due course.
Please submit below to give your child consent to attend the trip. Please also consent to your child walking home at 4pm or advise that your child will be met at school by a known adult to school.
Many thanks
Mrs Ward / Mrs Robinson / Mrs Yates / Mrs He/ Mr Postgate
Year 5 & 6 Classroom Teachers