Mrs Solomon, Miss Norlund, Miss Moore, Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Scott

Year 1 is a very exciting place to be this year! There are lots of exciting topics to pique the children’s interest and to help them develop a lifelong love of learning.


Dinosaurs to capture interest!


Animals Around the World

We kick start the year with an exciting topic called Dinosaurs. This means we read lots of high quality texts featuring dinosaurs and learn how to retell them in our own words. In our History lessons we learn about the life of a significant individual, Mary Anning – who was only 12 when she discovered the remains of an ichthyosaur. For our Geography this half term, we learn about the locations where fossils have been found in the UK. We get creative in Art and learn how to hold a paint brush, and how to use different brush strokes. We then move onto our Autumn 2 topic which is all about toys! This topic builds up to the children designing, making and evaluating their own moving toys. We read some magical stories throughout this half term including classics like Jane Hissey’s Old Bear. We embark upon an educational visit to Preston Park to deepen our knowledge on this subject. Throughout this term our Maths focuses around Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Shape. In Year 1 we use lots of concrete apparatus to help us with our Maths.

Our topic for Summer 1 is ‘Animals Around the World’. In this topic we will be identifying and classifying different animals, and learning where in the world these different animals come from. We will investigate the school grounds and see if we can discover any habitats within the school. We let our inner scientist out as we investigate light, where it comes from and where shadows come from. Children get creative by designing their own clay pot. In Summer 2 we will be delving deeper into map skills and learning to create a map of the local area. In Art we will be making observational drawings and creating collages using papers and other materials. In PE we will be getting athletic and controlling the speed of our running, strength of throws and length of jumps! In PSHE we will be learning about how our bodies change over time and life cycles.


The Curriculum

Katie Morag

PHSE is taught and modelled throughout the year, with online safety at the forefront of our minds. 

Check out our creative curriculum plans to see the full extent of our curriculum.

Autumn 1 Dinosaurs

Autumn 2 Toys

Spring 1 Katie Morag

Spring 2 Kings and Queens

Summer 1 Animals Around the World

Summer 2 Wildlife Garden

In the spring term we use the charming Katie Morag stories as a starting point for our learning. The curriculum focus for this half term is Geography, and we will compare what it’s like to live on an island like Struay and what it’s like to live in Middlesbrough. In PE we will be learning how to perform dances using simple movement patterns. Our RE is focused around understanding why Christians see Jesus as a friend, and we will reflect on our own friends and friendships. For Computing this half term we will be learning how to create and debug simple programs, and we will be learning all about algorithms! After Easter our topic is Kings and Queens, which has a History focus. In this topic we will be learning all about the monarchy and how it has changed over time. In Art we will be designing, creating and evaluating a clay sculpture of a London landmark. We will be using our beautiful voices in Music by singing and performing for others. In PSHE we will be learning how to keep our body and minds healthy.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children not matter what their needs are can access it.