Mr Bennett, Miss Campbell, Miss Hart & Mrs Young

Watch us sparkle.

Each individual in Year 3 brings sparkle and shine to our busy classrooms. We aim to provide a creative curriculum that nurtures, inspires and generates curiosity in our learners.

Autumn 1

Spring 2 and Summer 1

Out in the Wilds!

In the Autumn Term 1, we will be reading the book ‘Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of the Species’. The books pulls together Darwin’s observations from his travels around the world and his ground-breaking explanation of how species form, develop, and change over hundreds of thousands of years, On The Origin of Species is as relevant and important now as it ever was.

The children will be able to demonstrate their historical knowledge of exploration and investigation through creative writing opportunities.

The children will understand how Charles Darwin has impacted on our lives today and imagine what it may have been like to live during that historical period.

Autumn 2

Rotten Romans

In Spring 2 and Summer 1, we learn about the Romans and what impact they have had on our lives today. The children will consider and research the aspects of the Roman Empire, such as their life style and the army. We also look at the weapons they used at war and how they overcome their enemies.

Summer 2

Vicious Vikings

In Summer 2, we learn about the Vikings, when they will be taught about the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor.

Great links!

In Autumn 2 the children become geographers and look at how rainforest evolved within the depths of Brazil. In DT the children will be designing and creating their own chocolate bar. They will be learning where chocolate comes from to the making of the bar ‘bean to bar’. The spectacular part of the curriculum will be learning to play the ukulele . Stars in the making!

Spring 1

Out of Africa

During this topic the children will describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle. They will use atlases to locate Africa in relation to other countries around the world. Within Science, the children will be able to identify common appliances that run on electricity and construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. They will investigate to see if a lamp will light in a simple series circuit based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery.

The Curriculum

PHSE is taught and modelled throughout the year, with online safety at the forefront of our minds.

Check out our creative curriculum plans to see the full extent of our curriculum.

Autumn 1 Out in the Wilds

Autumn 2 South America

Spring 1 Out of Africa

Spring 2 and Summer 1 Rotten Romans

Summer 2 Vicious Vikings

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children not matter what their needs are can access it.

Some useful links to help your child learn at home.