Miss Connors, Mrs John, Mrs Macdonald & Mrs Jennings

In Base 2, we recognise that every child is a unique person! Our aim is provide all of our children with a warm, welcoming environment where they feel valued, safe and encouraged to make the best possible progress academically, socially, communicatively and emotionally from their own individual starting point.
Base staff work together to get to know each of our children as individuals and to provide them with a highly stimulating environment with child-accessible resources and appropriate, yet challenging learning opportunities delivered through play, independent learning tasks and direct teaching, both indoors and outdoors.
Our children love to come to school and they have lots of fun, make friends, learn to do many new things and to develop their own identities. They learn the skills to express their thoughts, feeling and understanding, enabling them to control their own actions, make choices and become independent learners.
Our children will grow, change and develop significantly over their time in Base 2 and we are always so very proud of the wonderful individuals they become!

Learning Environment
Children in Base 2 are taught in a dedicated classroom which is placed in the heart of KS2. It has its own break out area set up with independent challenges as well as toys for children to access in their free time. It has toilet facilities nearby.
Children in Base 2 are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum. It is delivered using a wide range of teaching methods, which enables staff to accommodate individual needs and allows each child to reach their full potential.
Base 2 has a 2 year rolling programme of ‘contexts’ that staff use as a thread through all National
Curriculum subject areas.
Please see our curriculum plans below for more information on Cycle A:
Teaching and Learning
Base 2 builds on the skills children have developed in their early school life. It begins to further
develop independence and offers access to an increasing number of focussed learning activities.
Base 2 has a dedicated Class Teacher and two Teaching Assistants.
There are clearly defined routines in place and children are encouraged to use the visual timetable to follow the daily routine.
Children in Base 2 complete a range of activities throughout the day with the support of Teacher or Teaching Assistant. These are delivered in small groups or on a 1-1 basis. They also access independent challenge activities as well as opportunities to choose and lead their own play. Staff use a variety of teaching methods to support child’s core skills including, but not limited to: modelling, shared writing, use of individual whiteboards, your turn, my turn and so on.
Positive Partnerships
We believe in strong partnerships between staff, children and parents/carers. We have effective relationships and work closely with other professionals, such as Educational Psychologists, our school nursing team, speech & language therapists, to ensure our children are fully supported. We promote inclusion with peers in mainstream education through educational visits and activities.
We provide opportunities for parents/carers to be involved in their child’s learning and regularly share what Base 2 are up to on Class Dojo, our home/school communication app. We value parents/carers knowledge and understanding about their children and work together to make sure every child reaches their full potential.
Helpful links