Education Visit: World of Work at Your Feet Thursday 7th July 2022

Dear parents,
We have a wonderful opportunity to be part of ‘World of Work at Your Feet’. The children will ‘discover’ key businesses in the Tees Valley across a range of sectors but most with a direct STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) connection. They will also learn to code the fantastic Dash Robots as part of the activities.
This event will take place on Thursday 7th July. Children will leave school at 9:00pm and return for 2:50pm. There is no cost for this trip. Children will need a packed lunch. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, a packed lunched will be provided for them. Children need to wear their school uniform and bring appropriate raincoat if needed just for getting on and off the bus. We are going to AV Dawson’s new HQ near the Transporter bridge:
AV Dawson, Riverside Park Rd, Middlesbrough TS2 1UT. You can see the brilliant view of Teesport from the picture!
Please click on the link below to give consent for your child to come attend this educational visit.
I will be the children’s teacher for this day and will be the lead member of staff of this visit.
I am so excited as it is going to be amazing!
Kind regards,
Mrs Knox
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