Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The staff member who co-ordinates provision for pupils with SEND in school
SEND Information Report
Information about how a school provides for pupils registered with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities
An Education and Health Care Plan (previously a ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’) is a pathway of assessment where all parties, including parents, are collectively involved in generating a plan that details how a child’s particular needs will be met to allow his/her learning to progress
Joint Commissioning
All services working together from the outset to provide the best outcomes for a child or young person,
e.g. education, health and social services
Personal Budget
Part of the monetary provision for a child or young person with needs, which a family can request to be spent in a particular way in order to remove potential barriers to learning
SEND categories
Cognition and learning Needs:
- Moderate Leaning Difficulties
- Specific Learning Difficulty, e.g.
Dyslexia, etc.
- Severe Learning Difficulty
- Profound & Multiple learning
Social Emotional & Mental Health Difficulties:
Wide ranging in need, e.g. eating disorders, ADHD, Tourette’s, etc
Communication and Interaction Needs:
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Sensory and/or Physical Needs:
- Physical Difficulty
- Medical Needs
- Hearing Impairment
Visual Impairment
Individual Education Plan identifies the targets your child is working towards.
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
Learning Disability Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service