Hemlington Hall Academy Choir to Sing at Police Headquarters, Middlesbrough and Stainton Care Home this December.

Monday 9th December

Dear Parents,

Hemlington Hall Academy Choir have two concerts this festive season! We are singing at Cleveland Police Central Headquarters , Clifford Way, Middlesbrough on Wednesday 11th December for the Cleveland Police Christmas Carol Service and at Stainton Care Home for our annual Christmas performance on Wednesday 18th December 2024.

On Wednesday 11th December, the choir will depart school at 12:40 and take a coach into town. Children will return to school for 2:40pm. This is Christmas dinner day and Christmas jumper day. Lunch always starts early on this day so choir children will have shared in all the fun with their class and will have had their Christmas lunch together before we depart.

On Wednesday 18th December, the choir will depart school at 1pm and walk to Stainton Care Home. Children will return to school for 2:40pm.

Please give consent below for your child to attend both performances.

Kind regards,

Mrs Knox

Hemlignton Hall Academy Choir December 2024