Friday 31st May 2024

Non Pupil Premium – £8.00 per pupil / Pupil Premium – £2 per pupil


Please complete this form to book a place on our ‘HALF-TERM FOOTBALL CLUB’ which will be held on the following date:
– – Friday 31st May 2024- –
* Mr Mehrpour will be running the 1 day Football Club.
* Pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 may attend, please note PLACES ARE LIMITED.
* A message will be sent out via Dojo to confirm if your child has secured a place.
* Following confirmation full payment, per child should be made, in advance, via School Gateway, no later than Fri 24th May 2024.
* Prices: £8 per pupil per day, or £2 per pupil per day for Pupil Premium children.
* This cost is not refundable if your child does not attend.
* Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for their activity.
* Children will need to bring a packed lunch and drink.
* Children should arrive at 9.00am at School Gate 3 and be collected from School Gate 3 at 2.00pm.
* Please ensure you provide the contact details required below. Thank you.