Daily learning communicated to pupils and parents through ClassDojo.
Foundation Stage
All remote learning will be posted daily on ClassDOJO. Daily tasks and challenges set around a three cycle of a text. Daily Story Time Zoom meetings will be advertised each day on ClassDojo Children will upload their learning on to their portfolio.
Base Classes Remote Learning Offer
Base 1 Provision
This provision is personalised for each child as their ability and needs are very varied. All communication carried out through ClassDojo, Zoom and telephone. 1:1 phonics and Maths sessions will be offered to parents on a Monday/Tuesday and then set tasks each day or 1/2 pre-recorded tasks which parents can access and then complete with the child for Phonics/Maths.
A group story zoom with staff is offered once a week.Conversations with parents are offered if they need further pre-recorded sessions to support a child’s particular need. A daily challenge or activities are set each day linked to areas of the curriculum.All children have been given a pack of resources which include; daily name writing, pencil control, phonics activities, maths activities to last 3 weeks which staff will send support (written or recorded) to parents to help them deliver to children and links for dough disco, sticky kids, nursery rhymes, maths games, education city, etc.This may all change depending on how our children engage but will always be dependent on how the individual responds.
Base 2 and 3
ProvisionTeachers will post 4 different subject areas daily (RWM+1 other) and will offer a daily Zoom either to teach one of those subjects or to practise our interaction skills (show and tell, games, catch up etc).