Ten things to celebrate about the Outdoors Curriculum at Hemlington Hall Academy are:
1. The outside area is developing in maturity. The orchard is flourishing, the green space to the playground side is starting to flourish. Different contours, colours and mood spaces.
2. Our wonderful outdoor spaces are well used.
3. Our livestock, the rabbits, continue to provide a nurturing experience for a wide range of children. They are cared for and much loved by rabbit monitors.
4. Livestock we have lost enables the children to learn about loss in a controlled way.
5. Care for the outdoor area continues to be a responsibility of the Eco team (eg litter picking/recycling/composting).
6. Constantly seeking out new funding for further site development.
7. Carlton/Malham Tarn/Wild country week/orienteering at Stewart Park/Cod Beck/Toilet Twinning Sponsorship continue to extend outside learning beyond the boundaries of school.
8. Great staff subject knowledge.
9. The Outdoor environment continues to give all children an opportunity to shine.
10. The children develop an appreciation of the outdoors being an invaluable resource.