Possible Year 6 Hemlington Hall Academy London Trip June 2025

Please complete by Friday 12st July

Dear families,

As you know, Hemlington Hall Academy organise for our Year 6 children to go on an education residential visit to London. I am busy working with our tour operator to get things organised and make sure that we get the best possible price.

In order to help me, I need to gain level of interest amongst our families of who would be interested in sending their child on this educational visit.

The trip is fantastic and is an amazing experience for our children. The trip would be for 3 days and 2 nights. We are planning for this trip to take place after SATs in June 2025.

The itinerary would include such experiences as:

(These are not confirmed but just to give you an indication)

London Show –

The London Eye

Houses of Parliament

The Science Museum

National History Museum

Harry Potter World

Although I have not got final costs, I am estimating that this could cost around £340. I will try to source funding to support with these costs and we can organise our own fundraising within the school to support with costs.

Please can I ask you to submit your name and your level of interest for this trip. If numbers are low, then we would have to assess how this could go ahead. By doing this, you are in no way committing yourself to the trip. Once I get final costings, then a deposit would be required to secure your child’s place. Deposit will be around £40. This will happen in September.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through message on Dojo.

Kind regards,

Mrs Knox

London Interest