‘ Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it ‘
– Marian Wright Edelman
Our PSHE/RSE Curriculum
Subject lead: Miss Connors

Hemlington Hall Academy believes that Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) helps to give our children the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens.
The primary intent for our curriculum:
- Children will gain practical knowledge and skills to help them live healthily
- To teach children how they can deal with the spiritual, moral and cultural issues they face as they grow up
- Children will be encouraged to reflect on their experiences and how they are developing
- To teach children how to show respect for the diversity of, and differences between, people
- To help children form effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
- Equip children with a sound understanding of risk, with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed choices
- Ensure that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities in society to prepare them for the wider world
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from sex education lessons that are taught as part of the Relationships Education or PSHE curriculum. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing and addressed to the head teacher. A copy of withdrawal requests will be recorded on CPOMs so that parents’ wishes are on record.
There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education or Health Education.
PSHE should explicitly reflect and be reflected in the values and ethos of the school. It should embody the values held by the school community and provide the atmosphere for life in and beyond the school itself.
PSHE is taught weekly.
In addition to the Jigsaw scheme, assemblies and visits will also take place. These assemblies and visits will link to current issues within the community, such as assemblies from the fire brigade; visits from the school nurse on healthy eating; hand washing, drugs/medicines etc.
It is important that the school responds to the needs of the parents, pupils and community and that the PSHE (and citizenship) curriculum content is a focus for developing the skills, attitudes and values of individuals.
Staff follow the planning from the Jigsaw PSHE scheme. Click the button below to view the Jigsaw webpage:
Our PSHE Development Plan 2024 – 2025:
The school acknowledges that all pupils have a basic entitlement to a personal and social development plan taught through their school life. Our curriculum focuses on six key themes:
- Being me in my world – ‘Who am I and how do I fit?’
- Celebrating Difference – Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique
- Dreams and Goals -Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding emotions
- Healthy Me – Being and keeping safe and healthy
- Relationships – Building positive, healthy relationships
- Changing Me – Coping positively with change