Monday 22nd February 2021
Good morning. Your work for today is posted below. If you have any problems, please get in touch via Class Dojo and we will help.
We will be looking at the “ee” and the “ea” sound in Phonics. I will be hosting a Zoom Phonics lesson at 10.00am and going through this with you then.
Please have a pen and paper ready for the Zoom Phonics lesson.
Today in Writing I would like you to listen to our new story, Katie in London, by James Mayhew.
Once you have listened to the story and talked about it, you are going to make a story map. This will help you to remember parts of the story when you re-write the story later on.
If you’ve never seen a story map before, here is an example of one for The Ginger Bread Man.

There is a blank story map in your Home Learning Pack. If you don’t collect a home learning pack, just take a blank piece of paper and draw a line like the one on the example above. Then your child needs to draw the main points of the story onto the story map.
For example, they could draw Katie getting off the bus at the beginning of the story. Then they could draw Katie and her brother on the lion’s back. Next they could draw Katie, Jack and the lion at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Your child can write labels of the places they visit too if they wish.
Today we will be looking at numbers to 50. Before you do the lesson, there is a video activity of counting to 50 by making groups of 10. Please watch this first before you do the main activity.
Once you have been through the first video, you can watch the main video for the activity.
This week we are going to do History every afternoon.
Our new History topic is all about Kings and Queens, and the history of the monarchy. You may want to have a chat with your child about what they already know about the Royal Family/Kings and Queens.
Today you will be learning to name some members of the Royal Family. Go through the PowerPoint together and then have a go at completing the Royal Family tree.
Join in with the nation’s home PE teacher Joe Wickes! He will be posting a new video for Monday on his YouTube channel – The Body Coach.
Choose a video to join in with from his YouTube channel.