
Reviewing spelling rule:

-ed -ing -er suffix at the end of words.

Today you are going to be adding these suffixes to words that have a single vowel (a e i o u) followed by a single consonant. Remember this rule means we double the consonant before we add the suffix.

Practise applying this rule on using the spelling frame activites.

*Spelling rule 15*


Here is the video so you can re-read/watch the story.

Today you are thinking about conversations between Charles and Smudge.

Can you re-write these sentences using the correct punctuation?

Write them in your best handwriting, using capital letters and question marks clearly.

Can you create any of your own questions?


Today you are learning how to recognise a third.

Work through the video to support you with your worksheet.

You could use have a look around your house to see if you can spot anything that is split into thirds.


Don’t forget your jumper

Read the short story which is 3 pages long. Complete the questions which have 1* 2* or 3* at the bottom of the page. Choose your difficulty carefully. You can complete all 3 sets of questions for a super challenge!


Today you are completing an evaluation of your bird feeder.

Draw a picture of your bird feeder. If you have this at home, look carefully at it to complete an observational drawing, otherwise, have a go at completing the drawing from memory.

Answer the questions:

  1. What is your favourite thing about your design?
  2. Did it turn out how you expected?
  3. What would you change next time?
  4. Which part of making the bird feeder did you find the most difficult?
  5. Do you think your bird feeder is fit for purpose?

Have a lovely day! We can’t wait to see your great work 🙂