Good morning. Your work for today is posted below. Remember we don’t have any Zoom sessions today, but there are video lessons below to support you with both Maths and Phonics.
Today we are looking at comparing different amounts of money using < > and =. Use the video below to support you with your work.
We are completing question 1, 2 and 3 and a challenge task at the end of the video.
Remember you do not need to print this out, this can be completed straight onto paper or on your device – I will add it as a worksheet on your portfolio.
‘Soft /c/’ – learning that /c/ makes the /s/ sound when it comes before the letter e, i or y.
At the end of the lesson, your independent activity is to use these words to create your own interesting sentences.
Here are the words if you would like them. They are also displayed on the screen at the end of the video.
Today you are using your story plan to write your own version of the story Supertato.
Listen to the story again on Youtube
Remember to use capital letters and full stops to complete all of your sentences. Can you add and/but/or in your sentences?
Today’s activity is exploring different textures.
Can you find different objects around your house that have different textures? Can you sort them into groups of rough/smooth?
Use this worksheet to practise creating different textures with your pencil. I will share the Powerpoint on Dojo as it is too large to upload here.
Remember to post your work on your portfolio!
I will be answering messages if you need me 🙂 Have a lovely day.