Good morning everyone.

Your work for today is posted below.

Phonics – Live Zoom @ 9.15am

We will be playing Bingo with words you practised last week.

We will be learning about plurals and adding s/es to words to show there is more than one.


Can you write a story opening using your new character?

You might write something like this…

It was a cold, dark night in the supermarket and all was quiet. Suddenly there was as huge, almighty crash. Something small, round and green had escaped from the freezer. The evil pea was looking for trouble! He taped the vegetables to the conveyor belt and he dangled them in the sloppy beans. Luckily, Supergrape arrived to save the day. He had a long, red cape hung over his neck and he wore long black boots. He could run so fast.

How would you describe your character?

Maths – Live Zoom @ 10:50am

Today we are learning how to find change when we pay too much money to buy something.

Our live lesson will go through the work with you and we will complete this together. We are working on finding the total again today.


Have a go at this comprehension activity. Read the text and answer the questions.


I will post the powerpoint on Dojo which explored Ted’s trip to France. Remember France is another country in the same continent as us – Europe.

What did you learn about France from Ted’s trip?

Can you create a poster telling me everything you know.

You could use your device to research more facts if you wanted too!

Have a great day! Hopefully we will see lots of you on Zoom.

Remember myself and Mrs Scott are available through Dojo for anything you may need!