Your work for today is posted below. If you have any problems, please get in touch via Class Dojo and we will help.


Suffix -ment added to the end of a word to create a noun.

This will be todays Zoom lesson at 10.30am.

Remember this will be recorded and uploaded to Dojo for you to access later if this time is not suitable. 

The lesson will be interactive and we will work through the different activities together. I will set the children a task to complete independently at the end of the lesson. They will need these words to support them.


Use this link to take you to the BBC Bitesize webpage.

Today I would like you to watch the video and complete Activity 1 and Activity 2.

You might complete Activity 1 by saying:

A yummy, red cake.

My brown, comfy slippers.

For activity 2, you could create really interesting sentences by saying:

I have a furry, orange cat.

There is a huge, blue book.

You could even challenge yourself by extending these noun phrases and adding extra information such as:

I have a furry, orange cat in my house.

There is a huge, blue book in the cupboard.


Today’s lesson is counting money in pence.

Use this video – or the following powerpoint to support.

Here is the worksheet for you to complete. Remember you do not need to print this out, this can be completed straight onto paper.


Today we are learning about habitats located around the world in hot and cold places.

An animal’s habitat meets their needs. Some animals need hot climates and others need cold.

I will post the PowerPoint to support on Dojo. Use this to help identify the different climates around the world.

Colour this map to show the different climates. Can you sort the animals into those which like hot/cold climates?

Remember to post your work on your portfolio!