In today’s reading we will be looking at Chapter 13. There is a copy that is downloadable below or you can listen to Miss Robson reading it here.
After reading or listening to Chapter 13, your task is to summarise what Salva’s new role is in the group using only twenty words.
You can re-read Chapter 13 here:
To end the week we will be completing your persuasive piece of writing. Today I would like you to write your conclusion. This shouldn’t be very long, a few like to consolidate your point and repeat what you stated in your opening paragraph.
During our live lesson I will be asking you to share your whole piece of writing and we will be looking at what you have done well and what you can improve upon next time.
Today in maths we are going to be recapping equivalent fractions because we know they can be tricky. Find the link for the video here.
The worksheet and the true or false question can be found below.
In art we are going to be practicing our sketching skills. You can choose to sketch either a traditional Sudanese house, a British house or your own.
You can watch a video on how to do that here.
I’ve included some photos below which you can use to help you with your sketch or choose your own.

Don’t forget to upload your pictures to DOJO!
Have a lovely February holiday, hopefully we will all see you again soon.