Yesterday we sharpened our retrieval skills, so today let’s practise inference and ‘reading between the lines’.

Remember that you must refer back to the text and use evidence in your answer, fully explaining the point you are making.

Miss Robson will show you how to do this here.

And here are the inference questions to answer:


Yesterday we planned – now it’s time to write!

Read the WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) to give you an idea of what you should be aiming for.

Remember to include all the features of a good narrative

  • Setting and character description
  • Fronted adverbials
  • Chronological orders.
  • Connecting openers (First… Next… After that… Sometime later…)
  • Sensory description – try to use all five senses.


Now that we have a good understanding of how to divide, we are going to start using it to solve some trickier problems.

Today’s learning video is the fourth one found here on correspondence problems.

The follow-up questions are here:


In PSHE today we are thinking about how to deal with disappointment. Feeling disappointed is a perfectly normal emotion, but we need to be careful not to let it consume us.

Mr Kirby-Bowstead has a story about disappointment for you to listen to here…

Then, have a look at these scenarios; how do you think the people involved could best deal with their disappointment? What could they do next? Talk about your ideas with somebody at home.