Yesterday we focused on our retrieval skills, todays focus is on ‘reading in between the lines’ using our inference skills. We can tell how somebody is feeling from their face and how they are moving, without them saying that they’re happy or sad. Similarly, with inference you read the text and look for clues that help to build this and your own knowledge.
Remember that you must refer back to the text and use evidence in your answer, fully explaining the point you are making.
And here are the inference questions to answer:
- Why does Nya drink two gourdfuls of water?
- Why did Salva approach the woman by ‘holding his breath’ and creeping closer?
- When Salva hears somebody shouting the name of his village, it says relief flooded through him. What does this mean, and why did he feel this way?
- What does the ‘pond drying up’ tell you about the weather?
- Why does Salva keep thinking ‘what will I do, where will I go?’ What emotion is he feeling?
We have planned our writing – now it’s time to write! Read my WAGOLL (to see what a good one looks like).

Remember to include all the features of a good narrative
- Setting and character description
- Fronted adverbials
- Prepositions
- Speech
- Chronological orders.
- Connecting openers (First… Next… After that… Sometime later…)
- Sensory description – try to use all five senses.
Today you will be learning how to compare areas. Watch the lesson how to do this here.
Here is the follow up task. Remember to let a member of the team know if you need any further help
Try todays latest true or false question.

So far in PSHE we have thought about setting goals for this year, putting a plan in place to help us reach them and also about how we can deal with disappointment when things don’t go quite our way.
Now we are going to think on a more long-term basis: what do you want for your future?
Discuss your ideas with somebody at home before writing down your answers.