Finally, we get to read the first chapter/scroll of our new book! Hopefully, you predicted that we would be visiting somewhere in Ancient Roman times. We are going to start of with a vocab focus, as there will be plenty of exciting and new words to magpie (steal) from this book. You can listen to Miss Robson reading Scroll 1 to you here.
Your task explained here.
Read through Scroll 1 here:
Fill out the vocabulary table below. The blank boxes on the table on the left are for you to find your own words – I’ve given you three to get started. Column two should be filled in next – find the word in the chapter, read it in its sentence and fill out what you think it means. Your final step is column three, look up your words (using a dictionary) and complete the table.

We will be having an exciting Zoom lesson from an expert 10:30 -11:30 all about the Romans! The details will be posted on DOJO so make sure you’re there.
Unfortunately we are going to rearrange our history talk. For this time I would like you to use the websites and the virtual tours to explore and research Romans.
I have attached a quiz, some mosaic colouring to our dojos class page. below are the websites for research and virtual tours and the colouring mosaic sheets.
Once again apologise for the change of plan, we will definitely rearrange our Roman talk for the coming weeks.
Today in Maths we will be following on from yesterdays lesson on adding fractions. Watch the learning video here and then complete the activity sheets below.
Today in writing we are going to be looking at direct and indirect speech. These are really important aspects of a newspaper report and it is important to understand the difference and how to use both types of speech correctly. Start by having a look at the BBC bite size video on using and punctuating direct and indirect speech.
Follow the PowerPoint which has been uploaded to dojos this morning and complete the task at the end.
Have a go at writing direct quotation and reported speech from each of the three people interviewed in the video. Make sure that you use the correct punctuation and tense.