In today’s reading we will be re-reading Scroll 1. There is a copy that is downloadable below or you can listen to Miss Robson reading it here.
Then we will be looking at our retrieval skills by answering questions based on Scroll 1. Remember to answer using full sentences, full stops and capital letters. Use the book to help you find the answers! Your questions are below:
- When did Flavia solve her first mystery?
- What items has her father lost before?
- Why was it a hot afternoon?
- What does Flavia call her father?
- What has her father lost?
- What happened to Flavia’s mother?
- What is her father’s real name?
- What is her father’s job?
Today we will be looking at prepositional phrases, which are particularly important at the beginning of your newspaper report. Prepositional phrases give the reader more detail of when, where and how something happened. Using the sentences provided I want you to upscale them, us the smarten up your sentence worksheet to help you. Here is an example to get you started.
Sentence before being up scaled: Flavia was sitting.
Sentence after being up scaled: Happy and contented Flavia was sitting peacefully in the garden by the fountain.
Have a go at the rest of the sentences below. I have included a prepositional phrases document to help.
Her eyes noticed something.
The thief had left.
The ring was snatched.
The bird flew.
Its beak was opening.
The oak stood tall.
Today in Maths we will be looking at subtracting fractions. Watch the learning video here then have a go at the activity sheets below.
Today we will be looking at the key events of the Easter Story. Read through the power point below. Draw your own comic strip with a short description under each picture. Make sure you have chosen the eight key events of the Easter story before starting, this will make it easier for you to only include the most important events.
The power point can be found here.

Today in PE we will be moving on to tennis. I have attached some activities for you to have a go at today. if you don’t have a tennis racket just complete the other activities. Also if you don’t have a tennis ball just use any ball that you can find, ideally one that you can hold in your hand. for the net you could use any barrier, a piece of rope, a washing line or cushions set out on the floor.
Start your lesson with a warm up which you can watch here
After your tennis activities follow this video to cool down