In today’s reading we will be covering Chapter 6. There is a copy that is downloadable below or you can listen to Mr Kirby-Bowstead reading it here.
Then we will be looking at sharpening our inference skills by answering some questions about what we have read in Chapter 6.
1. What do we now know about Salva’s and Nya’s tribes? What inferences can we make
based on this information?
2. How do you know Salva is happy to have found his uncle?
3. Re-read this quote.
“But it did not take long for Salva to regret his haste in eating [the topi]. After so many weeks of near starvation, his stomach rebelled mightily.” Explain what was happening here.
4. Who is Marial? What happens to him in the Atuot region? What clues led you to this inference?
Today you will be writing your plan, on how to persuade people to provide wells for Sudan. Use this planning sheet to help you plan your persuasive writing. Don’t forget to add some facts or statistics from yesterday’s research!

Today we will be recapping some of last years learning. We will be learning about tenths. Watch the lesson how to do this here.
Here is the follow up task. Remember to let a member of the team know if you need any further help!
Try the true or false question below. Can you decide if it is true?

In Geography we have been looking at how human features can have a negative impact on physical features: in Africa, we saw how the clearing of land to turn it into farms was causing deforestation.
We learnt about the impact of deforestation: how it endangers animals, how it prevents us getting ingredients for important medicines and how it creates climate change.
However, humans can help to make improvements too. Read about The Great Green Wall Movement here.
There is a fantastic video showing the change it makes to the lives of families across Africa here too.
Can you make your own fact file about the Great Green Wall?
– Which parts of Africa is it being created within?
– Why is it being created?
– How many trees have been planted so far?
– Who is planting all of the trees?
– What difference has it made so far?