
Watch the following Maths video – Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits

Remember to stop the video to answer the questions and to complete the questions on the worksheet when asked.

Worksheet available as a pdf on ClassDojo and in portfolios.


Join us on Zoom to read Chapter 10 – The Storm.  That sounds ominous. 

Yesterday your task was to prepare your own summary, today we want a summary again BUT you need to be careful.  A lot happened, but you only have to write a three sentence paragraph.  How will you fit it all in? 

Firstly, write down the main points then think about what is essential information.  Good luck!


Today you will finish your diary.  At 11:30 – 12.00, there will be a drop in Zoom session where you can read out your work and get 1:1 verbal feedback.  Alternatively, you can pop your writing into your portfolio as quickly as you can and we will do our best to give you quick feedback so that you can edit your work if needed.


It is design time! Look through the powerpoint. We can’t wait to see your designs.