Today we are looking at author’s intent regarding their use of vocabulary. Can you re-read the text and answer these questions?
Why do you think the author starts by informing the reader where France is in the world, and what its climate is like? |
When talking about the different activities available on the mountain ranges, the author explicitly mentions hiking, skiing and then going to a spa. Why do you think they purposefully chose these activities to mention? |
Why does the author provide details about both the northern and southern coasts of France? |
Why does the author provide details about both the coastal borders and the land borders of France? |
The author tells the reader about the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Forest of Orleans. Why do you think the author chose these three specific examples of landmarks to write about? |
Why has the author chosen to display a photograph next to each main paragraph of the factfile? |
In writing today we will be finishing our France factfiles.
Look back at those key features and make sure you have included everything!

Sticking with our theme of solving puzzles, give this a go!

Screen-free Friday!
Please also make sure that you have some screen-free time today:
Find a quiet spot and read a book.
Create your own collage from an old magazine, or maybe from things you can find in your garden.
Write a short story or a poem.
Maybe get out some colours or paints.