Year 6 Leavers’ End of Year Visit

16th June 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Hollywood Bowl Visit – Tuesday 19th July 2022

Year 6 children are going on a year end visit to Hollywood Bowl, Stockton-on-Tees on
Tuesday 19th July 2022. We will be leaving promptly at 9:45am, and returning to school at 11:30am.
Children will not require a packed lunch as they will be eating at Hollywood Bowl. Please complete food choices below.

Children need to wear school uniform for the visit.
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £3.00 per pupil. No child will miss the visit on
the grounds of finance, so please contact Mrs Edmenson if you have any difficulties. All
money should be paid in full (via SIMs Pay 360) before Friday 15th July 2022.

Important: Please remember to tick the consent button in SIMs Pay 360. This will confirm
permission for your child to attend the visit and take part in the activities.

Many thanks.
Mr Kirby-Bowstead / Mrs Knox / Miss Igoe
Year 6 Teachers

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