It is well worth having another read of the first part of the Beowulf text (or even re-watching the video from yesterday!) before taking on today’s reading challenge – answering our inference questions.
Remember that inference is all about ‘reading between the lines’ and picking up the clues in a text to put your answer together. Please write your answers in full sentences!

Our Writing lesson today will be a live Zoom lesson, where we will start to plan out our own advert for Raby Castle using the features we identfied yesterday.
Here are the Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 925 7833 5955
Passcode: z0ekfv
The planning sheet can be found below as a PDF document and a Word document.
Before starting our main Maths session today, here are some videos to remind children of their prior learning.
The Polygon Song will remind children what a polygon is, with some key examples.
This next video will show children how to calculate the perimeter of a polygon when the shape isn’t drawn on a square grid like in yesterday’s lesson.
Here is the main information and teaching for the lesson:
And here is the task as a PDF and Word document:
For our PE warm-up, can you spell your name using the rules below?

After that, we’re going to do some calming yoga – MineCraft style!