Good morning, your work today has been set out below. If you have any problems, please get in touch via Class Dojo and we will help.
Watch the following maths video – Tables
Friday – Retrieval
Using the pages of Romans: dress, eat, write and play just like the Romans answer the following questions:
- What page would I find more about insulae on?
- What is page 4 all about?
- Define a troop.
- What page would I find more about hair, clothes and jewellery on?
- On page 6, why is the word republic in bold?
- Name a Roman invention that we still use today.
- What did Roman slaves help guests do before a feast?
- Who wore laurel-leaf crowns?
Complete the conjunctions task on LbQ. The code will be posted on Class Dojo and will only be valid for 26.02.2021.
You are going to complete a diagram that will help you
to understand the way that we can have different friends in different
friendships groups, and that this is OK.
In the inner circle you write the names, initials or
made-up names of the people in your closest friendship group, like
your best friends.
In the next circle you write the names, initials or
made-up names of people who are very close to you, good friends,
and this may include extended family members – people you like a lot.
In the next circle you write the names, initials or made-up names of
the people you are quite good friends with, maybe you see them quite
frequently, get on OK with, like friends from your exercise group or
evening class, people at your place of worship, relatives you see rarely.
In the outer circle you write acquaintances – people who you know just
a little bit and are friendly with but you’re not great friends, like your
neighbours, friends of friends, etc.
Which friends do you value the most and why?