Good morning, your work today has been set out below. If you have any problems, please get in touch via Class Dojo and we will help.Return


Watch the following maths video – Divide 2-digits by 1-digit


Read pages 16 to 19 of A Long Walk to Water. Again, Salva is experiencing lots of changes. Can you explain how Salva might be feeling at each of the points listed on the worksheet?


Today we are going to plan our letter from Salva’s mother to Salva.

Remember, this letter would be informal.


Next week, you will be making your own African mask (make sure you keep some cardboard ready, a cereal box is perfect) so today we need to come up with our design. Make sure you think about what materials you have at home. I have included some examples below:

  • Pasta
  • String
  • Wool
  • Lolly sticks