Good morning, your work today has been set out below. If you have any problems, please get in touch via Class Dojo and we will help.
Watch the following maths video – Scaling
What are coordinating conjunctions?
Watch the video and test your knowledge of subordinating conjunctions with the quiz.
Read pages 20 – 25 of A Long Walk to Water.
Using the text, can you think of the questions that might go with the answers below?
- They were worried about having to feed Salva.
- Seven months of the year.
- There was no one from his family with the group.
- The man allowed Salva to join the group because he was Dinka.
- Buska could hear bees.
- Buska is Jur-chol.
Here is an example. For the answer ‘they were worried about having to feel Salva’ the question could be ‘why were the group reluctant to let Salva join them?’.
Sometimes change can make us feel unhappy and you might feel like if things stay the same that it might be easier. Change can make us feel unhappy and uncomfortable.
Can you think of a time where you’ve experienced change?
Would you have been happier if things stayed the same or did the changes turn out okay?
The Buddha said that people need to accept that everything changes. It is a natural part of life and it should be embraced rather than feared. What do you think of this?
Watch the following clip: