In today’s reading we will be looking at Chapter 8. There is a copy that is downloadable below or you can listen to Mr Kirby-Bowstead reading it here.
You can re-read Chapter 8 here:

After reading or listening to Chapter 8 your task is to summarise Salva’s story so far. For every chapter, you need to write one (small) sentence that sums up the key thing that has happened to Salva in the story.


Today we will be writing a persuasive paragraph. Using your draft to help you, write the introduction. Remember to grab the reader’s attention – you want them to keep reading your work. Clearly state your opinion.
I’ve included my WAGOLL so you have an example of what it should look like. You can download it here:

I’ve also included a key features poster. See how many of these features you can include. Not all of them will work for the first paragraph. You can download it here:


In maths today, your task it to apply all of your new learning! Can you answer the questions below? Remember to contact the team if any are a bit too tricky!



In art we will be focusing on drawing an Islamic geometric pattern. In Islam art is usually made out of geometric shapes (squares, circles, triangles and many more). In Northern Sudan these are used to decorate and create art. Download the instructions below to make your own geometric art:

Find the template sheet here:

You can watch Miss Robson’s pre-recorded video here.