Watch the following Maths video – Add 3 or more Fractions
Remember to stop the video to answer the questions and to complete the questions on the worksheet when asked.
Worksheet available as a pdf on Class Dojo in portfolios.
Join us on Zoom this morning at 10:30, as we read the rest of page one to the top of page 4. Together we will come up with bullet points of things we now know about the characters introduced to us.
Then, using this data, you will make a valid prediction of what will happen next. If you are unable to zoom this morning, please make sure that your prediction is not what the book is all about, just what happens next. Your prediction must use the clues in the text to support you.
Today, you will move onto introducing Kronos and Rhea. What do they look like? Try to be as vivid as you can using similes and metaphors to describe these two characters. Make me fear Kronos and feel empathy towards his wife. Don’t forget to look at the example on the website to inspire you.
Holy Week
Read the information about the different days in Holy week. Make a cartoon strip of Holy week. Write a brief description of what happened each day.